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About Me.

Mukta Yoga was founded with the belief that yoga is for everyone. I have always had a passion for teaching others the joy of movement and the healing power of yoga specifically. After gaining experience as a personal trainer and group exercise instructor, I discovered the profound impact of yoga on the mind and body. I created Mukta Yoga to be a place where people of all abilities and backgrounds can come to practice yoga in a welcoming, empowering environment. My hope is to be your personal yoga instructor, friend, and Cheerleader all in one! Yoga has had such an amazing impact on my life and even fifteen minutes on my mat can change my perspective and connection to myself. I hope to be a voice that can help guide you to your highest self! 

Much Love, 




Lane Community College

My passion for exercise science began with the study of human anatomy. I became fascinated with the mechanics of the body and how it moves. This passion led me to become both a group exercise instructor and personal trainer. For me, yoga is not just a workout, but an opportunity to become more in tune with our own bodies. As a teacher, my focus is on ensuring that students understand proper alignment and breathing techniques. My goal is to empower each student with knowledge and confidence in their practice.


Personal Trainer & Group Exercise Instructor

As an experienced personal trainer, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to my yoga sessions. Over the years, I've had the pleasure to instruct hundreds of clients in different classes such as kickboxing, aerobics, barre and ballet. 


200 hr YTT

My 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training certification allows me to provide a unique level of expertise and knowledge to my clients. I have taken the time to not only develop my own personal practice but also to understand how to help others develop theirs. My experience in Yoga Teacher Training in Mal Pais, Costa Rica was a life-changing opportunity that allowed me to hone my skills and develop my understanding of the practice. I am passionate about spreading the love and benefits of Yoga and sharing my knowledge with others.

About Me

I am passionate about sharing my love of yoga and the benefits it brings to my life. I am a  down-to-earth gal who has a love for nature and spending time to connect with my highest self. Whether that be dancing to music, running wild in nature, playing with my dogs, or finding stillness on my mat, I always come back to the deep desire to connect more and be present. In this day in age life can be overstimulating and hectic and it is so important we find time for ourselves and self care! Finding yoga helped me slow down and be more present with my every day life and interactions. 


 I Live here in Long Beach and also run my other business as a Birth and Postpartum Doula! I love spending my time exploring nature and hanging with my three siblings, nephew, dogs, and amazing partner! 


 Let's create a practice that reflects your unique spirit and needs!

Centered and Grounded

At Mukta Yoga, I believe that everyone deserves to feel grounded and connected to themselves. I aim to help you find peace and strength within yourself with every breath. My focus is on creating a safe space for you to connect with your mind, body, spirit and to feel stronger and calmer after each session. 


This is more than a basic yoga class/membership at a studio. This is an immersive experience where I guide my clients onto the path of health and vitality that can really change your life and your energy. 


Everything is vibration and energy! If you can harness this you can truly shift your reality. 


Contact me to start your personal yoga journey today!

Yoga Practice
Yoga Practice
Yoga Practice
"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self."

The Bhagavad Gita

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